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#26 2016-08-24 17:55

From: So. Carolina, USA
Registered: 2016-08-24
Posts: 22

Re: Locales for basic install

I don't see a solution to this issue.
I have this issue when I install some programs
Unfortunately, I can't remember what I installed from - many months ago. this is my uname -a result:
Linux q4compaq 3.16.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3 (2016-07-02) i686 GNU/Linux
[I did try to move my taskbar to the left side of the screen - got screwed up, got it back to the bottom of the screen
shouldn't have an effect??]
In light of some of the programs being removed that weren't in the specified download/install - - -
I have noticed a lot of extra install packages  - I need sane (scanner- right?) for audio????]
Anyway - I have enjoyed this -- it is a replacement for Mepis/AntiX - though I may go back to AntiX---

The journey is . . . the reward.


#27 2016-08-24 18:02

From: So. Carolina, USA
Registered: 2016-08-24
Posts: 22

Re: Locales for basic install

as an update -- FWIW
I was following a Debian 'locales' posting and this program wasn't installed - -
olzeke51@q4compaq:~$ sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8

The journey is . . . the reward.


#28 2016-08-24 18:52

From: UK
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 2,994

Re: Locales for basic install

This issue has (or I thought it had) been resolved, if you are missing your locales simply install with

sudo apt-get install locales

and it should clear it up.
The issue with moving the taskbar has been documented here on the forum and is caused by the clock and will be fixed in the very near future.

Is your Q4OS up to date? if you are not sure you can get the current version from the command line with


It currently stands at 1.4.12


#29 2016-08-26 21:45

From: So. Carolina, USA
Registered: 2016-08-24
Posts: 22

Re: Locales for basic install

Thank You, Dai_trying.
I ran the install - will see what happens in the future.
I had noticed the TDE taskbar bug - at least they have figured out what it is ...
running out of space to get the new version -- I put Q4OS on a 17G partition to try it out and -- now I am out of space.
What seems to be the best install medium -- the live CD or the distro???  (32 bit on this machine)
I have a 40G partition left over after I squeezed Vista.  I have Bible Study software that is Win only - not WINE or even ReactOS can do it.

The journey is . . . the reward.


#30 2016-08-26 23:12

From: UK
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 2,994

Re: Locales for basic install

I usually boot several distro's on my machines mainly for testing and assign anywhere from 10 - 30 Gb depending on how I will be using it, I also where possible keep a separate partition just to keep data on that I want to share to each OS. But the bottom line is you will need to give as much space as you need to run your system.
I would say that if you have 40Gb available and you don't need any further partitions then use all the space you have.
As for install medium, I always use the live-cd, but that is because I have certain installation needs that cannot be achieved from the install only iso, but either one will work fine for most users. The live-cd is a larger download than the installation only iso, so if you have limited bandwidth then that would be a consideration too, but it is mainly down to preference.
I run WindowsXp in Virtualbox for any windows apps I need (iTunes, rufus) and it runs really quick compared to how it ran when it was the os, but it could be due to the fact that I don't have any of the vendor (dell/compaq) software on there now as I installed from a clean Xp installation disk (from Microsoft), I have also used Vista and 7 in Virtualbox with similar results. But it does no harm to keep your Microsoft partition as a separate OS and use it as it is, again it is down to preference.
I hope this information may be useful to you, but remember most things are simply a case of getting things how you want them, and most of us will do at least some things different to the majority of others.


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