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#1 2024-05-13 10:47

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

I have been working on my old Laptop ACER ASPIRE 5715Z, Intel Pentium dual-core processor T2370 (17.73 GHz, 533 MHz FSB, 1 MB L2 cache) - 120GB HDD with Q4OS-Orion LTS 1.8.5 q4os operating system, since 2017. I have been very satisfied with the operation of this system, but for some time now, shortly after support for this version ended, I have had problems updating some applications, which is why it does not allow me to access more and more of them. of pages that I use frequently.

For this reason I decided to update the system to the latest version of Q4OS (using Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso). I followed the procedure indicated on the page "" and perform a "Fresh Q4OS installation".
Following this procedure, I have managed to load the new Aquarius system, but wanting to finish the installation process, when I try to load any Desktop Profiler to continue with the installation process, halfway through this, the screen momentarily turns black repeatedly and Finally it always redirects me back to the login screen.

Please can you help me solve this?
I don't know what I've done or am doing wrong...
Thank you in advance for anything you can do in this regard.



#2 2024-05-13 11:22

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,660

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

Please try to cancel applying desktop profile to get the Q4OS desktop. You can run desktop profiler using the welcome screen button and apply it once again a post back the result.


#3 2024-05-13 13:44

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

Thanks a lot for your help.
I have already been running the desktop profiler using the welcome screen button It is the only way that i have been doing it.
After doing it, it is when halfway through this, the screen momentarily turns black repeatedly and finally it always redirects me back to the login screen.
In any case, after reading what you indicate, I did it again, making sure to use the welcome screen button and it happened again: it starts downloading, after a moment the black screen appears, it continues downloading, again the black screen and then it sends me to the login screen....


#4 2024-05-13 13:56

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,660

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

Would you provide "qreport" debug info as described here please


#5 2024-05-13 14:25

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

I will prepare and send it.
Best regards,



#6 2024-05-14 11:22

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

“greport” debug info for:  Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.
- Installation media image file, or a method, you have used for system installation.
using Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso). I followed the procedure indicated on the page "" and perform a "Fresh Q4OS installation".
- Desktop environment (Plasma, Trinity, ... other).
- Desktop software profile applied, using the Desktop profiler tool (Full, Basic, Pure, Custom).
Full & Basic
- A brief description and steps to reproduce the issue.
Following the procedure indicated on the page "", I performed a "Fresh Q4OS installation".
I have managed to load the new Aquarius system, but wanting to finish the installation process, when I try to load any Desktop Profiler to continue with the installation process, halfway through this, the screen momentarily turns black repeatedly and finally it always redirects me back to the login screen.
I have observed doing some usage tests that this loop (I mean, with the screen turning black two or three times an after redirecting to the login screen) is also repeated each time that I try to execute any command or action or run any application, avoiding that way to finish any task and of course, not allowing to finish the complete Desktop Profiler execution.
It is worth mentioning, in case it is useful for the respective analysis and subsequent diagnosis, that:
1.- I repeated the Aquarius "Fresh Q4OS installation" three times.
The first time I did it following the process corresponding to "Classic Installation". I even ran the "Desktop Profiler" but it gave me the problem of intermittent black screens and the redirection every time to the login page. I interpreted that I had done something wrong and repeated the Aquarius "Fresh Q4OS installation".
This second time I did it following the process corresponding to "Fast Installation". The same thing happened to me: I even ran the "Desktop Profiler" but it gave me the problem of intermittent black screens and the redirection each time to the login page.
I assumed that perhaps I had burned the CD incorrectly (despite having marked "Verify" and verified by the same program, giving the verification correctly and without errors) and in this way I burned a new CD and proceeded again to perform a new Aquarius "Fresh Q4OS installation", this time following the "Classic Installation" procedure, resulting again in the loop of intermittent black screens and redirection to the login screen.
2.- Neither before with the old Orion Q4OS System, nor during the three installations, during the entire process of downloading the information from the Aquarius Q4OS System from the CD to the computer's hard drive, did the continuous and intermittent black screens fail . This process was always successful and uninterrupted.
- Screenshots, if possible:
It was not possible to obtain screenshots because I could not finish the installation.
Please see attached file “Full Desktop Profiler issue steps.pdf”, showing images of the issue steps.
In most cases it's helpful to get some relevant debug information from your system for us to be able properly investigate an issue. Please run in terminal:
$ reportq4:
Please see attached file “Reportq4 for greport info - Desktop Profilers Issue.pdf”, showing images of the result.

and send the debug file generated via email , or attach it here for us to analyze:
I could not send the debug file generated via email , neither attach it here for you to analyze, neither visualize it, because I could not finished the installation, so I do not have mail service nor utilize the ACER Laptop for those tasks. Sorry!
If you report a hardware related issue, please run in terminal:
$ inxi -Fxxx
and post back the terminal output.
Please see attached file “inxi -Fxxx for greport info - Desktop Profilers Issue.pdf”, showing images resulting from running $ inxi -Fxxx


#7 2024-05-14 11:23

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

“greport” debug info for:  Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.
- Installation media image file, or a method, you have used for system installation.
using Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso). I followed the procedure indicated on the page "" and perform a "Fresh Q4OS installation".
- Desktop environment (Plasma, Trinity, ... other).
- Desktop software profile applied, using the Desktop profiler tool (Full, Basic, Pure, Custom).
Full & Basic
- A brief description and steps to reproduce the issue.
Following the procedure indicated on the page "", I performed a "Fresh Q4OS installation".
I have managed to load the new Aquarius system, but wanting to finish the installation process, when I try to load any Desktop Profiler to continue with the installation process, halfway through this, the screen momentarily turns black repeatedly and finally it always redirects me back to the login screen.
I have observed doing some usage tests that this loop (I mean, with the screen turning black two or three times an after redirecting to the login screen) is also repeated each time that I try to execute any command or action or run any application, avoiding that way to finish any task and of course, not allowing to finish the complete Desktop Profiler execution.
It is worth mentioning, in case it is useful for the respective analysis and subsequent diagnosis, that:
1.- I repeated the Aquarius "Fresh Q4OS installation" three times.
The first time I did it following the process corresponding to "Classic Installation". I even ran the "Desktop Profiler" but it gave me the problem of intermittent black screens and the redirection every time to the login page. I interpreted that I had done something wrong and repeated the Aquarius "Fresh Q4OS installation".
This second time I did it following the process corresponding to "Fast Installation". The same thing happened to me: I even ran the "Desktop Profiler" but it gave me the problem of intermittent black screens and the redirection each time to the login page.
I assumed that perhaps I had burned the CD incorrectly (despite having marked "Verify" and verified by the same program, giving the verification correctly and without errors) and in this way I burned a new CD and proceeded again to perform a new Aquarius "Fresh Q4OS installation", this time following the "Classic Installation" procedure, resulting again in the loop of intermittent black screens and redirection to the login screen.
2.- Neither before with the old Orion Q4OS System, nor during the three installations, during the entire process of downloading the information from the Aquarius Q4OS System from the CD to the computer's hard drive, did the continuous and intermittent black screens fail . This process was always successful and uninterrupted.
- Screenshots, if possible:
It was not possible to obtain screenshots because I could not finish the installation.
Please see attached file “Full Desktop Profiler issue steps.pdf”, showing images of the issue steps.
In most cases it's helpful to get some relevant debug information from your system for us to be able properly investigate an issue. Please run in terminal:
$ reportq4:
Please see attached file “Reportq4 for greport info - Desktop Profilers Issue.pdf”, showing images of the result.

and send the debug file generated via email , or attach it here for us to analyze:
I could not send the debug file generated via email , neither attach it here for you to analyze, neither visualize it, because I could not finished the installation, so I do not have mail service nor utilize the ACER Laptop for those tasks. Sorry!
If you report a hardware related issue, please run in terminal:
$ inxi -Fxxx
and post back the terminal output.
Please see attached file “inxi -Fxxx for greport info - Desktop Profilers Issue.pdf”, showing images resulting from running $ inxi -Fxxx

pdf Reportq4 for greport info - Desktop Profilers Issue.pdf, Size: 180.3 KiB, Downloads: 183


#8 2024-05-14 11:24

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

Next Attached file:

pdf inxi -Fxxx for greport info - Desktop Profilers Issue.pdf, Size: 207.48 KiB, Downloads: 208


#9 2024-05-14 11:29

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,660

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

MFR wrote:

I could not send the debug file generated

Please post the "qreport.tar.gz" file generated. You could save it on a USB stick to take it here. If you would like to attach multiple files, you can edit a post and attach another file.


#10 2024-05-14 11:35

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

The las attached file:

pdf Full Desktop Profiler issue steps reducc.pdf, Size: 256.89 KiB, Downloads: 196


#11 2024-05-14 11:44

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

Here goeds the "qreport.tar.gz" file generated.

gz qreport.tar.gz, Size: 143.63 KiB, Downloads: 122


#12 2024-05-15 13:16

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,660

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

Thanks for reporting. We are unable to reproduce the issue neither on the VM or on our hardware, so we assume it is hardware dependent. From the logs you posted, we would assume that the problem might be with the connection to the video hardware. It would be helpful if you could run the desktop profiler and take a video of the screen on the phone so we can check at what stage the process is crashing and we can investigate further. You can send the video by email.

Does it crash every time at the same phase, or is it random ?


#13 2024-05-15 18:21

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

It is random!
This also happens when, testing, I have tried to download an application.
I could not sent the video attached vía email. The file was too big, but I already sent it video through sharing vía Drive and also a link through your email adress.
Please let me know if you could receive the video with any problem to view it.



#14 2024-05-15 18:46

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

I already sent a second (shorter) video through sharing it vía Drive and also a link through your email address.



#15 2024-05-15 23:31

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

Please, next see link of a third video (shorter than the other two..): … drive_link

In case it could be useful to better study the problem.
Thank you!



#16 2024-05-16 11:07

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

Please, see next link of a 4th video. This time when I tried the "Instalar Codecs Privados" button.
It's the shortest video so far.

the link: … drive_link

Thanks for your help!


#17 2024-05-16 11:59

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,660

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

Thanks for reporting. Please run a few commands in konsole terminal:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt full-upgrade
$ sudo apt install q4os-vlc
and post back the terminal output.


#18 2024-05-16 12:38

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

It was possible to run $ sudo apt update complete without black screen interruptions. see the result in the attached image in file "Update"
Running $ sudo apt full-upgrade could finish the first part. See the result inattached image in file "First file of full upgrade". then it crashed with the black screen an returning to the login screen..

Sorry. I will send the file  through email... it was not possible send it attached at this post (Size..)

Last edited by MFR (2024-05-16 12:52)


#19 2024-05-16 12:45

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,660

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

Well, we would suspect hardware about this issue. It may be failing hardware, most likely memory, or incompatible hardware. You can also check the steps above … 759#p26759 in console without gui, however you would need to stop display manager first:
$ sudo systemctl stop tdm

In anyway, it's not native Q4OS issue, rather upstream Debian one or hardware problem as mentioned above.


#20 2024-05-16 12:53

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

Ok. Thank you very much for your help.



#21 2024-05-16 13:51

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

I run it without GUI, as you indicate above: … 759#p26759 in console without gui,following your instructions.
Attached here the terminal output image: "Terminal output after running Update+Full-upgrade+install Q4OS VLC.pdf"

pdf Terminal output after running Update+Full-upgrade+install Q4OS VLC.pdf, Size: 169.31 KiB, Downloads: 197


#22 2024-05-16 15:51

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

When you finish analyzing the file with "Terminal output after running Update+Full-upgrade+install Q4OS VLCel" that I sent, please let me know what I should do next and also the command to type in the terminal to recover the GUI.


#23 2024-05-16 18:55

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

I already recover the GUI typing
$ sudo systemctl start tdm
..but the issue of repeated black screens and redirection to the login screen persists....!
Can you tell me any other action I can take before giving up?
Not being a native Q4OS issue, but a Debian or hardware problem as you mentioned above, is there any other action I can try to fix this?
What do you recommend doing, if there is anything still possible to do?
In any case, I really appreciate your effort and help in trying to solve it.
Thanks a lot!


#24 2024-05-16 19:42

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,660

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

We would recommend you to try LXQt desktop environment and see what happens:
$ sudo apt install q4os-desktop-lxqt sddm
Reboot, login to LXQt and run desktop profiler from within LXQt desktop environment. Don't forget to select LXQt desktop and uncheck "Remove superfluous packages option" option, see . You will be also allowed to login into the Trinity desktop.


#25 2024-05-16 22:01

Registered: 2021-10-06
Posts: 35

Re: Issue to finish Aquarius 5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso installation.

I will do that.
Thank you very much!


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