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#1 2024-05-02 09:51

From: Belgium
Registered: 2020-07-28
Posts: 567

Reenable user's home on a separate partition after reinstall

I have installed Q4OS5 on /dev/sda2 to replace Q4OS 4.
The installer has created a /home/<user> inside that partition, but my real home directory is on a separate partition, /dev/sda3.
I'd like to add a line into /etc/fstab to have /dev/dsa3 mounted into /home. Unfortunately, I didn't think to make a copy of fstab before installing. I think it should be something like

UUID=35e18f2b-11ad-b8e4-f62135702f22     /home     ext4     ?options?     ?dump?     ?pass?

I'd like to know the appropriate parameters for options, dump (0?) and pass (1?)

After having edited /etc/fstab and before rebooting, I suppose I'll have to delete the newly created /home content

$ sudo rm -rf /home/<user>

Thanks for your advice.

Q4OS machine: Samsung R519 - Pentium T4200 2.0 GHz - 4 GB RAM - 500 GB SSD


#2 2024-05-02 10:55

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,660

Re: Reenable user's home on a separate partition after reinstall

According to … ion-linux/ , the fstab line should look like this:

UUID=[ uid ]     /home	   ext4	   defaults	0	2


hchiper wrote:

After having edited /etc/fstab and before rebooting, I suppose I'll have to delete the newly created /home content

We would recommend to move /home to something like /.home.backup for case of need and remove it later.


#3 2024-05-02 14:40

From: Belgium
Registered: 2020-07-28
Posts: 567

Re: Reenable user's home on a separate partition after reinstall

Thanks a lot.

Q4OS machine: Samsung R519 - Pentium T4200 2.0 GHz - 4 GB RAM - 500 GB SSD


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