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I just looked through forum, and can not find any post made by crosscourt. Author search and Keyword search returned nothing. Where all his posts are gone? He is one of the most active forum posters and good helper.
Before asking for help please read this topic: If you have problems with WiFi network, try to install the Network Manager using Q4OS Software Centre.
He has requested to remove his account and posts completely.
Too bad.....
Before asking for help please read this topic: If you have problems with WiFi network, try to install the Network Manager using Q4OS Software Centre.
He had a difference of opinion about freedom of speech and what could and couldn't be spoken about in the forum, and also there was an issue with his signature. Although he did make the request to remove his posts he didn't actually think they would be removed as they have broken a few threads where he has commented on something and someone has replied and it looks like some users are talking to themselves. He also told me he had more warnings than he expected but eventually this was the outcome.
Im back iand Ill leave it up to the devs if they want to leave this thread.
Last edited by crosscourt (2017-05-09 02:09)
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd
Welcome back CC! I'm sure your wealth of knowledge and experience will be a great help in the community.
Thanks and its nice to be back!
Last edited by crosscourt (2017-05-07 20:13)
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd
Has anyone seen or talked to bobby? His site is down and only a few of his videos are still around on the net.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd
He made a post in january, but haven't heard anything else from him.
Ive emailed him to see if he will respond.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd
No answer so far, really odd but will continue trying.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd
Ive tried multiple times and no response from bobby at all. I checked around to see if anyone spotted him in places where ive seen him before but nothing.
Hope hes ok.......
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd
Me too... I do seem to recall him saying he lives in two places and swaps between the two seasonally (If I remember right), maybe he's at the remote location now and will be back soon...
Ill keep trying and will do some investigating to see if there are any other methods of reaching him.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd
I give up as Ive been unable to contact him and even though I have reached some people in other forums who seem to have been in contact with him quite awhile ago.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd
Maybe he doesn't want to be found, or maybe he's been nabbed by the NSA and being tortured because he won't reveal where he got his special OS from
LOL! Covert operation no doubt.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd
Well, I sincerely hope he is well. When you get my age and you see all these people, some younger that yourself, dropping dead, you start to wonder when deaths axe will be descending on you!
Know what you mean JimW as Im going to be 64 this year and even though Im in good health and very active, you never know when something can change.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd
Swings closer all the time.
In March the doctor found I have an enlarged aorta. I am now limited to under 30 lbs lifting. The enlargement isn't big enough to call for surgery, so the doctor wants to wait for a year and re-check it. Meanwhile, if I lift anything too heavy then I can probably say goodbye! I live 30 minutes from the hospital (45 if you drive the speed limit) and having a ruptured aorta while standing in the lobby of the hospital is an iffy situation. - And, nope - I refuse to move closer to town!!
Ive had a relative die from it because they didnt get the surgery so I wont preach but honestly, you might want to consider doing it.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd
Oh, I'm not refusing the surgery. The doctor said it isn't large enough to warrant surgery and wants to wait until March of next year and see if it has enlarged more. Currently it's only 3.5 cm and she said it should be 4.5 to 5 cm before surgery is required. But it means a year of watching what I lift. For example I have about 18 chickens. Chicken feed comes in 50 lb bags. I have to ask the feed store to break them down to 25 lb bags, which they do without complaint. - Just little, irritating, things like that.
Thats good to hear and Ive had to make a lot of changes over time as Ive gotten older. My job is very physical and i have to find smarter ways of doing things.
Last edited by crosscourt (2017-05-31 02:07)
Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd
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