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What is the name of the Switch User applet? It will Switch the user to a different tty session, It will take you to the login screen. I'm currently running Openbox and I need it for the wife, so she can continue to use her own login session and TDE. I love Q4OS and may use it for friends & family members when I need a distro to install on their computers. But I'm no KDE user.
Dell Optiplex 760 - Quad Core | 4gb | 250gb | Mageia 5, Salix 14.2, Q4OS
Lenovo Thinkpad T420 | 4gb | 120gb | Mageia 5, Debian Testing
The most easy way to switch user sessions:
Right mouse click on the Desktop -> Switch User -> Start new session
Thanks for the reply. If I'm running Openbox, being the first user to sign in, I do not have those options. I plan to add it to the Openbox menu. If I know the name of that function, I should be able to type it in a terminal and get the login screen.
Dell Optiplex 760 - Quad Core | 4gb | 250gb | Mageia 5, Salix 14.2, Q4OS
Lenovo Thinkpad T420 | 4gb | 120gb | Mageia 5, Debian Testing
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