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#1 2016-07-19 12:23

From: UK
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 2,992

Software centre apps for Scorpion

Just wondered if there will be software center apps for Scorpion sometime soon? I particularly need network manager at the moment and I would imagine other users will need these apps for testing too. smile


#2 2016-07-19 19:03

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,448

Re: Software centre apps for Scorpion

Some of Q4OS applications are not fully compatible with testing Q4OS Scorpion, this is the case of Network Manager. Such applications will continue to be adopted before Scorpion will become stable.

EDIT: We have reviewed Network Manager and found it to be partially compatible, so it's enabled to be installable from Scorpion SW Centre now. Keep in mind, we don't recommend testing versions to be used in production environments.


#3 2016-07-19 20:25

From: UK
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 2,992

Re: Software centre apps for Scorpion

Thanks guys, I only use Scorpion for testing and using a few newer versions of software than is available in stable, but network manager is quite important as I spoof my mac address so I can assign a static ip address to each distribution on multi-boot laptop (set on router to each mac address), otherwise they all use the same one and I cannot say which distro is logged on at any particular time. smile


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