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#1 2023-12-07 17:39

Registered: 2023-11-01
Posts: 147

simple lightweight task manager

I don't know if it's relevant here, but I have made a fork of the lightweight 'lxtask' task manager, with some improvements/modifications for my theming & more project ( Maybe it can be usefull for you:

-Added swap usage/total gauge
-Added CPU Speed in existing CPU gauge
-Added 'switch to root mode' option in the file menu
-Differents colors for each gauge
-Button 'Quit' replaced by a 'End task button' (we can close the windows with esc, the close button on the titlebar, with the menu File and the systray menu... I don't think we need a 5th quit action tongue ) and it's more like win taskmgr end task button smile
-the windows is centered at start, and (hopefully) properly sized depending on the resolution.
-Replaced the priorities numbers by more comprehensible terms
-some interface color modifications
-some terms changed
-systray icon with cpu load indicator 'ala windows'
-systray menu with 'keep above' and quit   wink

It's very fast to launch even on low specs machines (binary size: ~ 50Kb), and it have all the basics functions of a task manager.

link to packages: … r/packages
(64 & 32 bits & raspberry .deb packages)

Last edited by seb3773 (2024-06-11 18:57)

jpg lxtask_scrshot1.jpg, Size: 106.87 KiB, Downloads: 248
jpg lxtask_scrshot2.jpg, Size: 117.06 KiB, Downloads: 196
jpg lxtask_scrshot3.jpg, Size: 4.29 KiB, Downloads: 172

My Q4OS scripts: win10/osx theming, perfs optimisation, laptop configuration, ...  for trinity users -->


#2 2023-12-09 17:37

Registered: 2017-02-19
Posts: 185

Re: simple lightweight task manager

Hello seb3773,
sounds nice! I'll give it a try asap!


#3 2024-01-14 19:31

From: Latvia
Registered: 2015-12-13
Posts: 637

Re: simple lightweight task manager


Before asking for help please read this topic:   If you have problems with WiFi network, try to install the Network Manager using Q4OS Software Centre.


#4 2024-04-09 16:33

Registered: 2023-11-01
Posts: 147

Re: simple lightweight task manager

Packages updated:

- now there's a 'switch to root mode" option in the file menu, this is usefull sometimes if you want to kill root process for example without
    having to relaunch the app manually as root.
- much smaller executable ~50Kb smile

*you may have to uninstall the previous package first as I'm pretty sure I messed up the versions numbers tongue
( sudo apt remove lxtask-mod )

Last edited by seb3773 (2024-06-07 11:20)

My Q4OS scripts: win10/osx theming, perfs optimisation, laptop configuration, ...  for trinity users -->


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