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#1 2023-07-21 05:37

Registered: 2023-02-11
Posts: 66

Q4os TDEpowersave battery icon indicator level task bar percent solved

So I had an issue with both Gemini and with Aquarius that after installing the operating system the battery program did not stay installed, this could be because of the choices made when installing the OS (i.e. Pure, etc). After installing TDEpowersave as per a thread I found, half the time did not load, froze, consumed 100% of one of the cores, and ate up ram. I could not find a solution on the forums anywhere.

So I had to find a working program for this (laptops and netbooks need a battery indicator), and that program was fdpowermon, minimal configuration and works out of the box after reboot, and also comes with battery life saving settings it appears for level indication (lithium ion batteries do best when maintained between certain levels, not sure if this was intentional). Uses less resources as well. I posted this on the only available thread at the time, but was informed that it had nothing to do with the OP's question (though others looking for a solution would have found that thread).

So to be clear, this is not in anyway related to the other thread even though we were both looking for a battery icon in the system tray (initially the same one), and it was discussing the same program, and was suggesting another program that did a similar job. I just found out that TDE powersave can be glitchy, and in both cases reduced battery life as well. So until that program is ready, we need other options to suggest. Maybe TDEfdpowermon can be made, who knows. But no, they are in no way related.

This post is to others with this problem, TDEpowersave may not be the best suggestion or give several options.
2. notify that there is an issue with this program
3. Appease those offended by the non related posting
4. Possible suggestion for future releases.

Computer it was run on:
Dell Latitude d430
intel core 2 duo 1.33 ghz
Q4os Aquarius + Gemini

Last edited by vanquishedangel (2023-07-21 06:15)


#2 2023-07-27 13:58

From: Latvia
Registered: 2015-12-13
Posts: 637

Re: Q4os TDEpowersave battery icon indicator level task bar percent solved

@vanquishedangel, which Q4OS version do you have? I have installed fdpowermon on my Q4OS 5.2.1-n1 Aquarius with Trinity R14.1.1, and on my laptop fdpowermon does not starts at all. I always get an error in attachment.

png fdpowermon_launch_failed.png, Size: 25.36 KiB, Downloads: 203

Before asking for help please read this topic:   If you have problems with WiFi network, try to install the Network Manager using Q4OS Software Centre.


#3 2023-07-28 04:36

Registered: 2023-02-11
Posts: 66

Re: Q4os TDEpowersave battery icon indicator level task bar percent solved

Rademes wrote:

@vanquishedangel, which Q4OS version do you have? I have installed fdpowermon on my Q4OS 5.2.1-n1 Aquarius with Trinity R14.1.1, and on my laptop fdpowermon does not starts at all. I always get an error in attachment.

I have run it on both Gemini 64 bit and Aquarious 5.2 64 bit. It looks like the widget is not compatible with the theme you are using. I am uding TDE that came with aquarius. I installed Q4os Pure. Q4os-desktop-trinity

Last edited by vanquishedangel (2023-07-28 04:43)


#4 2023-07-28 17:04

Registered: 2023-02-11
Posts: 66

Re: Q4os TDEpowersave battery icon indicator level task bar percent solved

Rademes wrote:

@vanquishedangel, which Q4OS version do you have? I have installed fdpowermon on my Q4OS 5.2.1-n1 Aquarius with Trinity R14.1.1, and on my laptop fdpowermon does not starts at all. I always get an error in attachment.

The theme that I use is debonaire. I then changed it to look how I wanted. Looking more into this it appears that it is a conflict with the theme you have installed and are using (or the theme program). Not all applications are compatible. It seems like you installed an updated version if TDE or are using a Beta or testing version. This means it may not be compatible as they (or just fdpowermon) are not updated to work together yet in the repositories. These errors also happen when software (themes maybe) for one OS (ubuntu lets say) is installed on a different but close OS (q4os maybe). Certain things will not be compatible in that case.

Last edited by vanquishedangel (2023-07-28 17:19)


#5 2023-07-28 17:10

From: Latvia
Registered: 2015-12-13
Posts: 637

Re: Q4os TDEpowersave battery icon indicator level task bar percent solved

I have written to fdpowermon`s developer, and he replayed, that fdpowermon does not starting because my battery is 100% full. That is because the developer does not likes the battery icon to be shown when the battery is full:
Here is written, how to change that behaviour: … bug=823732

This is by design. Personally, I don't want to see a battery icon when
the battery is completely full. Following my philosophy of "fdpowermon
ships with the configuration that I prefer", that means you won't see it
either unless you change the configuration.

If you do want to see the icon when the battery is full, you need to
edit /etc/fdpowermon/theme.cfg (or copy that to
~/.config/fdpowermon/theme.cfg and edit it there), and change the bit
that says "99:battery-charging.png" in the "charging" line to say
"100:battery-charging.png" instead.

Anyway, Thank You very much for finding an alternative to TDEPowersave. I hope the Q4OS Team will fix it soon... Currently, TDEPowersave is unusable.

Last edited by Rademes (2023-07-28 17:22)

Before asking for help please read this topic:   If you have problems with WiFi network, try to install the Network Manager using Q4OS Software Centre.


#6 2023-07-28 17:19

Registered: 2023-02-11
Posts: 66

Re: Q4os TDEpowersave battery icon indicator level task bar percent solved

Rademes wrote:

I have written to fdpowermon`s developer, and he replayed, that fdpowermon does not starting because my battery is 100% full. That is because the developer does not likes the battery icon to be shown when the battery is full:
Here is written, how to change that behaviour: … bug=823732

This is by design. Personally, I don't want to see a battery icon when
the battery is completely full. Following my philosophy of "fdpowermon
ships with the configuration that I prefer", that means you won't see it
either unless you change the configuration.

If you do want to see the icon when the battery is full, you need to
edit /etc/fdpowermon/theme.cfg (or copy that to
~/.config/fdpowermon/theme.cfg and edit it there), and change the bit
that says "99:battery-charging.png" in the "charging" line to say
"100:battery-charging.png" instead.

Anyway, Thank You very much for finding an alternative to TDEPowersave. I hope the Q4OS Team will fix it soon... Currently, TDEPowersave is unusable.

Awesome thank you, I am working but was looking into it.


#7 2023-11-04 19:37

Registered: 2023-11-01
Posts: 147

Re: Q4os TDEpowersave battery icon indicator level task bar percent solved

I had problems with TDEpowersave too, especially with old laptops (for example a macbook from 2009). Plus, I wanted to use TLP wich is very good at saving battery, and it conflict with TDEpowersave settings.
My solution was to remove TDEpowersave and install xfce4-power-manager. It has a battery indicator, settings for sleep/hibernate, lid action & critical level actions. I only had a hard time to understand which type of icons it uses. (with the "normal" icons sets, it falls to a default indicator.) If you need, I can guide  you to rename the icons to work flawlessly with it, or I can upload my win10 icon set (wich is in fact KDE_ten iconset from plasma Q4Os with some modifications).

*I only use trinity, didn't try it on plasma desktop, but maybe it's ok too.

Last edited by seb3773 (2023-11-04 19:38)

My Q4OS scripts: win10/osx theming, perfs optimisation, laptop configuration, ...  for trinity users -->


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