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#1 2022-06-23 18:05

Registered: 2021-05-20
Posts: 53

Version Q4os ?


j'ai installé Q4OS sur mon eeepc à partir d'une de ces 2 isos mais je ne sais plus laquelle.


mes questions sont:

1/ Comment vérifier quelle est la version sur mon eeepc ?

quand je tape dans console  get-q4os-version cela indique  2.8.1-n1 mais c'est quoi  ?

2/ qu'elles sont les différence entre ces 2 versions ?

3/ Existe-t'il une version live 32bits pour tester sur un autre eeePC d'une amie ?


Last edited by sub13 (2022-06-24 07:06)

Asus Eee PC 1000H Atom N270 à 1.6 GHz ram 2go avec Q4os 3.16.1 centaurus


#2 2022-06-23 19:04

From: Belgium
Registered: 2020-07-28
Posts: 567

Re: Version Q4os ?

1/ You have version 2.8 which is likely an (automatic) upgrade of 2.7 which is the one you have likely installed.

2/ More up to date, more recent versions of software in repositories, support still available for 3, but version 4 is already available. More info here.

3/ No.

Q4OS machine: Samsung R519 - Pentium T4200 2.0 GHz - 4 GB RAM - 500 GB SSD


#3 2022-06-24 07:11

Registered: 2021-05-20
Posts: 53

Re: Version Q4os ?

hello, thanks for the replies

- question 2 but as my eeePC is low power I don't know if it is powerful enough for version 4.

- question 3 pity that there is no live version to test, I tested on my friend's eeePC with installation version under windows but too slow because environment seems heavier than that (2.8) of my personal pc.

Thank you

Asus Eee PC 1000H Atom N270 à 1.6 GHz ram 2go avec Q4os 3.16.1 centaurus


#4 2022-06-24 16:28

From: Belgium
Registered: 2020-07-28
Posts: 567

Re: Version Q4os ?

2/ I have never used version 2. I began using Q4OS with version 3.10 or 3.11 and subsequent upgrades. When I installed version 4.7 I didn't notice a significant loss of performance (see my signature for details on my hardware).
You might consider using timeshift to save your current setup and make a fresh install of 4.8 to try it. If you don't want to keep 4.8, timeshift enables you to restore your previous setup.
Also you might choose the TDE desktop, instead of Plasma; TDE is less demanding on resources.

3/ A live version is interesting to test many things, but not the speed. An advantage of the liver version is that it offers an much more user friendly way to make an install, especially regarding partitioning the HD/SSD. From this point of view, I also regret that a 32-bit live version isn't available, especially because Q4OS is intended to be an OS targeted for "old" computers, which are likely to be 32-bit systems.

Q4OS machine: Samsung R519 - Pentium T4200 2.0 GHz - 4 GB RAM - 500 GB SSD


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