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#1 2021-08-04 10:24

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,660

[Closed] Corrupted loop file on Q4OS Windows install

We are not able to reproduce the issue reliably so far, the issue seems to be hardware dependent.

Reproduce on UEFI systems:
- Install Q4OS, choose 21GB disk size
- Reboot to Q4OS
- Do not apply a desktop profile
- Login and reboot back to Windows as soon as possible
- Run the target drive integrity check from File Explorer > Properties > Tools

Report and discussion connected to this issue

Another connected report:

This bug report has been registered at the official bug tracker

Last edited by q4osteam (2021-10-01 21:10)


#2 2021-08-07 17:32

Registered: 2021-07-29
Posts: 24

Re: [Closed] Corrupted loop file on Q4OS Windows install

an update on my reinstallation: on monday i reinstalled q4os winsetup and ran maintenance scan afterward. errors were found, rebooted into windows to repair errors, and then afterward for some reason q4os booted up. i decided to use the second desktop profile when i had reinstalled and have been slowly adding applications day by day. each day i checked the result of the automatic maintenance scan and there were no reports of errors. now, all of a sudden, on saturday morning (5 days after reinstall) i have received a notification "restart to repair drive errors". i am now wondering if the amount of applications installed have some bearing on what sets off the error notification. i don't know how all this works but i am guessing as i install applications the size of the debian folder is changing. maybe when it reaches a certain point possible errors are detected. i just thought i would pass this on as it may be a clue to someone more knowledgeable than me about what might be going on.


#3 2021-10-07 13:37

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,660

Re: [Closed] Corrupted loop file on Q4OS Windows install

Well, we have fixed this bug today for Q4OS 4 Gemini. We recommend to make new Q4OS for Windows installation for all in order to get fixed installation. We are only waiting for a feedback before closing this bug report.


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