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#1 2020-05-28 01:39

Registered: 2020-05-27
Posts: 27

No Need For GVFS -Mystery Why it is Kept

Anyone wanting to save a bit more ram and system resources can get rid of everything GVFS as follows:
sudo apt remove gvfs*

Note: this requires a modern descent file manager and not a piece of garbage.
Some examples of great file managers are: spacefm, dolphin, pcmanfm-qt.

Konqueror is a piece of trash, it is also a mystery why it is still in the KDE-focused distro; you want to showcase the best of KDE, no?
GVFS btw is Gnome Virtual File System; what the hell is that doing on a KDE based distro???

But honestly, the file manager should be dolphin or spacefm on all editions including minimal desktop, and the web browser should be otter browser; because its better than konqueror and has a smaller footprint.


#2 2020-05-28 12:10

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,630

Re: No Need For GVFS -Mystery Why it is Kept

Gvfs is a dependency of Brasero burning application. It's not part of the basic Q4OS installation, but the full profile data. Konqueror is a dependency of "kde-plasma-desktop", or "tdebase-trinity" package for Trinity desktop.


#3 2020-05-28 13:42

Registered: 2020-05-27
Posts: 27

Re: No Need For GVFS -Mystery Why it is Kept

In this case, being correct is your undoing.  True that gvfs is a dependency of brasero, but both are GNOME while your distro clearly focuses on KDE which I agree on with 100%.  Those packages are in-congruent with the distro.  K3B absolutely destroys brasero.  And GVFS needs no substitution.  Remove both of these.

As for Konqueror, you have to keep it due to dependency but such a shitty file manager should not be the default file manager; dolphin, pcmanfm-qt, spacefm are all much better.


#4 2020-05-28 14:39

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,630

Re: No Need For GVFS -Mystery Why it is Kept

You are right. Brasero is not a good choice for Plasma desktop, it's a remnant of the TDE only desktop profile. We consider it as a bug, which will be addressed in the next Q4OS Gemini version. However, Trinity K3b version is buggy and unusable at the moment, so we need some light alternative for Trinity desktop, what Brasero seems to be.

Configuring Plasma, as well as Trinity, to use a file manager other than Konqueror by default is not as easy task as it might seem. We would like to do this, but it is a long-term task.


#5 2020-05-28 16:10

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,364

Re: No Need For GVFS -Mystery Why it is Kept

I have found that xfburn has minimal dependencies and does a perfectly reasonable job on the rare occasions I need to write some plastic.

I have also found that getting pics off an Android phone is subtantaily easier using pcmanfm and gphotofs rather than waiting for a KIO crash with Konqueror - it just works. That's the GTK version obviously....


#6 2020-05-28 16:17

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,630

Re: No Need For GVFS -Mystery Why it is Kept

Thanks, we will check Xfburn for TDE desktop.


#7 2020-05-28 16:38

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,364

Re: No Need For GVFS -Mystery Why it is Kept

R14.0.8 Release Notes
This section highlights some of the most important fixes introduced by this maintenance release.

Bug Fixes

    Fixed avahi support
    Fixed parsing of CPU cores frequency on some hardware
    Fixed parsing of battery information on some hardware
    Fixed detection of closing the lid on some hardware
    Fixed incorrect update of KNote "last modified" field
    Fixed several FTBFS caused by newer library versions
***   Fixed K3B crashes when trying to write an audio CD with cd text ***

Is this last one relevant to your comments re K3b? Always liked K3b back in the day..... :-)


#8 2020-05-29 09:49

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,630

Re: No Need For GVFS -Mystery Why it is Kept

bin wrote:

Is this last one relevant to your comments re K3b? Always liked K3b back in the day..... :-)

Hopefully. We will check it as well.


#9 2020-05-30 07:09

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,364

Re: No Need For GVFS -Mystery Why it is Kept

WRT to default file manager - this from the TDE 14.08 release notes

R14.0.8 Release Notes

This section highlights some of the most important fixes introduced by this maintenance release.

    Bug fixes
        Fixed avahi support
        Fixed parsing of CPU cores frequency on some hardware
        Fixed parsing of battery information on some hardware
        Fixed detection of closing the lid on some hardware
        Fixed incorrect update of KNote "last modified" field
        Fixed several FTBFS caused by newer library versions
        Fixed K3B crashes when trying to write an audio CD with cd text
        Fixed tdenetworkmanager crashes

        Many translation updates (thanks to all translators)
        Several packages have been migrated to CMake build system
        For some packages have been dropped the automake build system
        Added option to disable tdekbdledsync
        *****Added option to select default file manager*****
        The selected default terminal is also used for Open terminal here
        Improved LibreSSL support
        Improved musl libc support
        Improved support for DilOS distribution
        Improved support for XDG folders
        Improved support for Pinebook Pro
        Initial work to support reproducible builds
        Initial support for translating desktop files using Weblate
        Using Ninja build for Cmake building on FreeBSD
        Dropped Kerry and code related to Beagle search

        CVE-2019-14744: Solved similar cases of arbitrary code execution from .desktop files

Although quite how that works I have yet to find out other than resetting inode configurations.

Last edited by bin (2020-05-30 08:00)


#10 2020-06-04 22:59

Registered: 2019-10-06
Posts: 487

Re: No Need For GVFS -Mystery Why it is Kept

I have plasma and the default FM is dolphin, konqueror is there but have never used it, tried to remove it but doing so will remove the entire DE which is not the desired effect. I don't have GVFS either but then I chose the minimal desktop so maybe that's why.


#11 2020-06-05 09:09

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,630

Re: No Need For GVFS -Mystery Why it is Kept

q4osteam wrote:

Configuring Plasma, as well as Trinity, to use a file manager other than Konqueror by default is not as easy task as it might seem. We would like to do this, but it is a long-term task.

Yes, this statement is incorrect for Plasma as the default file manager is Dolphin already. It should have meant that changing the default file manager is not so easy ...


#12 2021-03-28 07:44

Registered: 2021-03-28
Posts: 9

Re: No Need For GVFS -Mystery Why it is Kept

I hope you don't ship cdrkit with the burning application. It's that broken and very old cdrtools fork that's responsible for many wasted cds from debian.


#13 2021-03-28 07:52

Registered: 2021-03-28
Posts: 9

Re: No Need For GVFS -Mystery Why it is Kept

Btw op, pcmanfm-qt uses gvfs for mounting and such. It's not that big a deal to have it even if it says gnome.

Xfburn may be the best option for writing CDs if you need it. It uses it's own thing unlike brasero and k3b.


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