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#1 2023-05-30 07:49

Registered: 2023-05-30
Posts: 4

smb share

unable to access folder shared on smb share using gui
smbclient command works to establish connection to the same shared folder
this keeps happening in v4.10 and above for me currently doing testing on v5 it still didn't work


#2 2023-05-31 13:11

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,630

Re: smb share

What gui and what desktop environment do you use ?


#3 2023-06-06 05:20

Registered: 2023-05-30
Posts: 4

Re: smb share

using trinity desktop environment


#4 2023-06-06 05:25

Registered: 2023-05-30
Posts: 4

Re: smb share

I can copy files using smbget on terminal but can't connect to the shared folder by typing ':\\ip address' in the address bar of the default file manager of Q4OS in trinity desktop environment


#5 2023-06-08 07:08

Registered: 2023-05-30
Posts: 4

Re: smb share

even after installing gvfs-backends and cifs-utils typing 'smb://ip/sharedfoldername' or ':\\ip\sharedfoldername' in file explorer's address bar is not working yet smbclient is working for viewing and smbget is working for copying from shared folder on terminal.


#6 2023-06-26 09:44

Registered: 2023-01-02
Posts: 16

Re: smb share

Samba is shit, man. Just drop it and find another tool. I've tried to use it myself recently and it also didn't work well, except it was the opposite problem - I could view the shared folder from file manager (Dolphin), but received an error in the console. I wrote about it to their mailing list about this bug and didn't get answer from developers, there was only some guy who turned out to be yet another moulder whore trying to lecture me on how I'm obliged to ask questions. So I sweared at him and deleted this shit. I advise you to do the same.
For small files I'm now using LocalSend which works both on Linux and Android. For small because it gives an error when you try to send big files like several hundred mibs in size. For big ones I have to connect the smartphone to computer physically, but it's the only option anyway because with wireless connection the speed is too slow and big file takes long to transmit. If you had KDE you could use this thing called KDE Connect, but I'm not trusting it for my smartphone cause it demands too many permissions.


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