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#1 2021-04-02 02:22

Registered: 2021-04-02
Posts: 2


New to Q4os

Just thought I would say hello and introduce my self.

I just installed Q4 on an older Dell Inspiron mini and it seems to be running fine.
When I got it it had windows 7 on it, then put Ubuntu on then read about Q4 and decided to take it for a spin

I have used Lubuntu and Fedora with the Fedora box being my main personal use machine for the moment. I am leaning towards replacing moving back to a Debian based Distro and its looking like Q4 is in the lead.

So when I google to solutions to stuff like how to install this or that is there any differences between liike a lubuntu or ubuntu answer that I should keep in mind. I mean as long as its .deb package It is the same I would assume.

I guess the Q4os repositories might not have the same depth as Ubuntu or are they shared?

Any no real questions just saying hello and introducing myself

Still getting used to apps that start with a K :-)



#2 2021-04-02 06:11

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,364

Re: Introduction

Hello and welcome

Ubuntu is based on Debian. However the release cycles are different and you can run into dependency issues trying to install Ubuntu packages on a Debian system. Installing randomly downloaded debs is not always the best solution even if they do install OK.

The big gotcha with Ubuntu based solutions is when they point you towards using a ppa. Debian does not use ppas, Debian Backports is probaby the closest. One or two bits of software under constant development have their own repos, Darktable is one that I use. However they are used to packaging for multiple distros.

So, always include the word Debian when looking for solutions - you'll get a faceful of Ubuntu stuff anyway smile Best place to start is on this forum.

Aside from that the standard repos are pretty much identical between the two.


#3 2021-04-02 15:18

Registered: 2021-04-02
Posts: 2

Re: Introduction

Thanks for the tip!



#4 2021-09-01 06:10

From: Jaipur
Registered: 2021-09-01
Posts: 1

Re: Introduction

Hello Everyone, glad to join in this forum.


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