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#1 2020-08-12 12:59

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,368

ublock-origin for Seamonkey

One of the problems with Seamonkey is the lack of a good ad-blocker.

I had an old version of ublock installed from way back when, but it was a bit long in the tooth.

With the latest 2.53 it stopped working.

However I tracked down a Raymond Hill release of ublock-origin for legacy browsers via this location … y/releases

you'll see the link to the xpi which can then be installed as a local extension - job done. … legacy.xpi

Hope this helps someone.


#2 2020-08-14 04:59

From: Saskatchewan, Canada
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 180

Re: ublock-origin for Seamonkey

A very good tip to keep on-hand.  Thanks for sharing it!

I've been using URLFilter for a little while now, and it seems to work pretty well.  It's available on the SeaMonkey Add-on website here.

I don't know a lot about this this sort of thing, but URLFilter seems to do a good job at blocking the web ads I typically see.  Many of the news sites I visit complain that I'm using an ad blocker and ask me to turn it off... so it must be doing something.  wink

You can either use the ad blocking rules provided by the developer (which gets updated regularly), or you can use your own urlfilter.ini file, that is stored under ./mozilla/seamonkey/ in your profile directory.  You can also use it to block website with adult content.

Current setup:  Acer Aspire One D257 / Q4OS Centaurus / TDE / SeaMonkey


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