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#1 2020-08-11 15:25

From: Minnesota
Registered: 2019-12-31
Posts: 67

Q4OS on Pinebook Pro

Overall testing image3 for the Pinebook Pro is working pretty well. I assume that some issues related to having 2 sound control buttons is probably more an issue with the Armbian base than with Q4OS.

The biggest problem I have is that Akregator does not work, when ever one tries to get new feeds, Akregator hangs up. This is actually a problem with Akregator on 64bit ARM archetecture. Akregator does not work on Manjaro, Debian or Ubuntu based 64 bit ARM based system either. Akregator however does work fine on 32 bit based Debian systems for ARM.

As far as I can tell this is a problem with the Akregator Metakit backend. Metakit seems to me to be the failure point. Using Manjaro I found Metakit in the AUR, compiled it, replaced existing Metakit, however there was no difference Akregator still hangs when refreshing feeds.

I did use a script to install Debian Bullseye 32bit ARM and installed the Trinity Desktop and Akregator did work just fine. Armbian did for a while have an armhf build available which is 32bit. However I have been unable to locate that build any more.

I continue to look forward to the Q4OS works as smoothly and flawlessly on the Pinebook Pro as on the Raspberry Pi. Thank you for your efforts.



#2 2020-08-12 10:48

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,628

Re: Q4OS on Pinebook Pro

Thanks for reporting, we continue to improve Q4OS for Pinebook Pro edition.


#3 2021-03-30 12:57

From: Szigetszentmiklós
Registered: 2021-03-30
Posts: 10

Re: Q4OS on Pinebook Pro

Hey, may I ask for a little help for a noob like me. How ever I flash the iso onto an SD card I can't make Q4OS boot on my PBP. Can you please let me know how can I build an img file? Thank you!


#4 2021-03-30 14:20

From: Minnesota
Registered: 2019-12-31
Posts: 67

Re: Q4OS on Pinebook Pro

This is a problem with uboot on the Pinebook Pro and not necessarily a problem with your image. You probably have Manjaro installed on the internal emmc drive. If that is the case when booted into Manjaro, open Add Remove Software. Search for uboot bsp and install that uboot which will replace the default uboot. With the BSP uboot installed, you should/might be able to boot Q4OS on an SD card.

If that does not work, you will need to remove the back cover of the Pinebook Pro and turn off the emmc drive. Information to to that is covered in the Pine64 wiki.

good luck


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