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#1 2019-12-09 08:45

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,440

New Q4OS website, draft

A draft of possible new Q4OS website has been created, great credit for @KevDoy for starting and creating the project.

Anyone is welcome to comment it here. We would welcome community opinions, suggestions or ideas how to design the new website smile

The project is open for contributing on GitHub:


#2 2019-12-09 11:27

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2018-11-18
Posts: 162

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

The new design is nice so far. I've only looked at it on my phone, but I'll use a proper browser later today.


#3 2019-12-09 11:59

Registered: 2016-12-01
Posts: 2

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

Yes, new design looks definitely more modern.

Just one note. I am not sure if

"Download Q4OS" with "Donate" button right next to "The right desktop for your business" looks "professional"...


#4 2019-12-09 20:00

From: UK
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 2,992

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

One thing I noticed is the text on the download page looks noticeably smaller than it is on the other pages.


#5 2019-12-11 16:23

From: Poland
Registered: 2019-09-07
Posts: 60

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

A work in progress but looking much more modern so far. Keep up the good work!


#6 2019-12-11 20:29

From: UK
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 2,992

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

Line 76 of css.css sets the font size to 10px on the download div, which IMO should be a bit higher, maybe set it to the same as the other pages (1rem) which worked in my browser test and again IMO looks better. Alternatively remove that font size instruction which will make the page use the default font for the text which is set by the font-family setting at 1rem.


#7 2020-09-28 16:31

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,440

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

The new Q4OS website draft has been updated, see


#8 2020-09-29 00:34

Registered: 2019-01-17
Posts: 86

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

I found a few typos:

Download Q4OS

If you like Q4OS, please donate us.

please donate *to* us.

We believe in developing for past, preset and future.

past, *present* and future

On top of that, the Long Term Support release codenamed ‘Centaurus’ gives you five years of security patches and updates, it will be supported until July 2024 at least.

That last comma should be replaced with a semicolon, like this:

On top of that, the Long Term Support release codenamed ‘Centaurus’ gives you five years of security patches and updates; it will be supported until July 2024 at least.


#9 2020-09-29 06:21

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,325

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

A more common expression would be

If you like Q4OS, please make a donation.


On top of that, the Long Term Support release codenamed ‘Centaurus’ gives you five years of security patches and updates; it will be supported until July 2024 at least.

Better to remove the five years since it is only 3.75 yrs - give or take - till July '24

Anyone starting from now has no interest that it has been supported since July 2019.


On top of that, the Long Term Support release codenamed ‘Centaurus’ gives you security patches and updates until at least July 2024.

Last edited by bin (2020-09-29 06:25)


#10 2020-09-29 09:12

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,440

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

Thanks for the remarks, we will check them all. In any case, the concept still requires quite a bit of work.


#11 2020-09-29 13:51

Registered: 2017-12-15
Posts: 185

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

Looking good. cool

One quick suggestion -- move the download link and the donation segment to the right of the topbar, making it always visible, available and not easy to miss...


#12 2020-09-30 21:55

From: Minnesota
Registered: 2019-12-31
Posts: 67

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

The current site looks good and is usable with Konqueror in the Trinity desktop, while the new version is not. I am not sure that is a goal or perhaps even if it should be a goal.



#13 2020-10-09 17:20

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,440

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

We plan an option to switch between the old and new style website look.


#14 2020-10-09 17:23

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,440

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

The current, old style front page has been updated . A few explanations and screenshots has been added. Any suggestions ?


#15 2020-10-10 06:44

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,325

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

This is going to sound horribly critical - but is meant with the best of intentions.

The layout of the new/old front page looks good - clean, simple but informative.

The wording of the individual feature panels comes over as a bit 'clunky'. Part of this is down to the use of fully justified text which can work OK in wider panels but falls over in the narrower ones. The best example would be "system eliminating superfluous " taking up the same space as "thanks to unique Q4OS tools a user can". The result is that the eye does not follow a normal reading rhythm. This is a well known problem with justified text in small spaces.
Please also take a look at the line lower down "desktop look and feel ? Install"

In wider terms I get what you are saying in each of the panels but the way it comes over does not flow. It sort of reads as if it has gone through Google Translate a few times - if that makes sense.

Would it be a good idea to try to reduce each panel to bullet points to see how they can be re-worked to convey the message in different terms?

It would certainly be worth introducing the installed system options of base through to 'Full Fat' and the ease of adding apps through the Software Installer. I would also consider a bit more love for the Trinity install with XPQ4 for those folks who want the Windows look options it provides ( yes I know it's a separate project but...)

Reading between the lines are we going to be losing the dedicated TDE installer iso?


#16 2020-10-10 10:47

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,440

Re: New Q4OS website, draft

Thanks for suggestions, better a critical feedback than none. We will take a look at all of the comments. The layout is not, as it hadn't  been before, adopted to DPI scaling, This may be why panels comes over as clunky in your browser.

bin wrote:

Would it be a good idea to try to reduce each panel to bullet points to see how they can be re-worked to convey the message in different terms?

Would you give a clear sample ?

bin wrote:

Reading between the lines are we going to be losing the dedicated TDE installer iso?

No, why do you think so ?


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