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#1 2016-01-15 18:07

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Remaster of Q4OS as MyLiveOS - Okay or Just Wrong ?

I have demo to many people Q4OS and a common response has been, "I have to install all these apps". Then the look of paranoid comes over them.

So I have built an example package with Q4OS + Chrome Google + Systemback (638 MB Live iso)  A DVD version has every app possible.

Using Systemback a user can install to dual boot hard drive and then boot the hard drive install of Q4OS.  Once boot on their hard drive, the user can install Q4OS to another hard drive from the live hard drive boot. For Example:  Hard Drive Boot --> Install Hard Drive sda2. Then run Systemback installer again to next partition, etc. etc, etc.

I can use X2go client (not in this current iso file) to remotely install a Q4OS or MyLiveCD (Q4OS + any app they want) remotely.

Here is my build:  mylive-os-web_i686-v1.0.iso  Google Drive Download.  Still working on x64 version

Username: bobby  | Password: BC1234

root password: root1234

update reason: added user name and password

Last edited by bobby (2016-01-16 04:50)

No Longer Using Q4OS


#2 2016-01-15 18:26

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Remaster of Q4OS as MyLiveOS - Okay or Just Wrong ?

Just want to add about this custom ISO and Name:

People know I support these builds. Not trying to take users from Q4OS. My intent is to offer custom builds only. I do not want to port Q4OS to my own distro.  If acceptable, I will place a "Downlad Q4OS Shortcut on the MyLiveOS Desktops & any other links or disclaimers as required. 

Meeting with Organization in So. California, USA at end of January:
I am meeting with 10 people in So. California at the end of Jan. to discuss pushing Q4OS or  My Custom Version (as approved by Q4OS Developers)

Not sure if this meeting will result in anything at all but, I am trying to obtain support in my local area for Q4OS Distro.  I can't just walk in to a board room and say, here is Q4OS without the ability to customize it for others.

--- Stay Tuned ---

update reason: spelling correction

Last edited by bobby (2016-01-15 20:55)

No Longer Using Q4OS


#3 2016-01-16 09:16

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Remaster of Q4OS as MyLiveOS - Okay or Just Wrong ?

NEXT WEEK I AM STARTING ON VIDEO TUTORIALS on how to install Q4OS from start to finish. I will do a separate Video and PDF just for Gparted & how to create & configure partitions when installing Q4OS.

But, I want to demonstrate what a "non-programmer" can do with Q4OS (because its easy / stable / awesome) in less than 4 hours.

MyLiveOS LITE LiveCD Version:  They can be used without a hard drive like no other version of Linux before.  But, I can't take credit for this. Q4OS Team has created a Live Linux environment that is very stable even on older computers. Udumtoo and so many other Linux Distros are bloated or difficult to use. I have 4 years to do nothing but, use and customize Q4OS base to make it so WinOS users only have to Click and never type in the Terminal.

This new MOD of Q4OS is Q4OS pure install + Google Chrome + Apache Webserver + XPQ4 (Free) + X2go Server + Systemback

680MB ISO  Download here

Username:  bobby   | Password:  BC1234 |  root access: root1234

If you run this, open up Google Chrome and go to url =  localhost


Example & Purpose: and More Importantly, What the Heck - Apache2 running; why ? 

All my MyLiveOS LiveCD will have Apache2 Webserver running. I will add scripts to allow a user to cp a webpage from their Documents folder to /var/www/html and since its running on port 80.  They just send people their WLAN IP Address and they are a webhost. I can see kids in highschool setting these up for friends real soon smile 

It does not get more simple to host your own websites with MyLiveOS and you can do it without a hard drive too.  As the autostart checks for the webpage files and copies them to /var/www/html (but I am still working on the auto copy part)

I CALL IT GHOST INTERNET  smile as the person can look at their pc all day long; they know its hosting a website; they can feel it - they just can't see it. But they know it. 

(LOL - I am having so much fun as you guys on the Q4OS Team have made it so simple to use Q4OS and caused me to have 24 hour long hack attacks and if I can do it; a 12 year old can do it too smile

What I want to accomplish over the next year is to have 1 Million people world wide using Q4OS before the end of the year. And, if I make a $ Million doing it, your going to have a supporting partner smile

Just let me know if you have concerns and how I should address them. I don't know your business model and do not want to upset anyone. 

Thanks,  Bobby


Last edited by bobby (2016-01-16 09:19)

No Longer Using Q4OS


#4 2016-01-16 10:53

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,483

Re: Remaster of Q4OS as MyLiveOS - Okay or Just Wrong ?

Bobby, feel free to remaster Q4OS live media. Please keep this rules:
- State clearly, that your product is derived from Q4OS original source, and put a link to our website.
- Do not label the media or any other custom utilities and products with our logo and artwork.
- If you will provide a support, please mention, that you are not authorized Q4OS provider.
- Enjoy smile

We will consider possible forms of cooperation and support for you.


#5 2016-01-17 09:26

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Remaster of Q4OS as MyLiveOS - Okay or Just Wrong ?

q4osteam wrote:

Bobby, feel free to remaster Q4OS live media. Please keep this rules:
- State clearly, that your product is derived from Q4OS original source, and put a link to our website.
- Do not label the media or any other custom utilities and products with our logo and artwork.
- If you will provide a support, please mention, that you are not authorized Q4OS provider.
- Enjoy smile

We will consider possible forms of cooperation and support for you.

Q4OS Team,  Thank You - Awesome ! 

I am trying my best to make this work for all concerned. People in my local area are asking me to help them with Q4OS. I will be a Q4OS Guru eventually so I will want to help these people but, anyone on the Internet will be directed to Q4OS Team - .  The difficult part I am working through is how to have a supporting role here (as a member of your Q4OS Community) and abide by your requests.  I can only suggest we take it as it goes and keep me informed of any thing I need to do differently. Basically, Your Stuck With Me ! smile  And, I am very glad to help in any way I can.

Below is an image of my homepage where I have placed at the top of this page (and every page on this site)  a Disclaimer. Then in the 1st paragraph (on the homepage only) is the statement you requested concerning support.

Include on the home page about not being an Authorized Supporter of Q4OS and provide link.  As Picture in below image of homepage:

The MyLiveOS CD's & DVD's labels will NOT contain any Q4OS original art.  The MyLiveOS Logo is:

Here is the Notices on my website that I will also place on my other websites & youtube pages:


No Longer Using Q4OS


#6 2016-01-17 12:35

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,483

Re: Remaster of Q4OS as MyLiveOS - Okay or Just Wrong ?

q4osteam wrote:

If you will provide a support, please mention, that you are not authorized Q4OS provider.

Ok, we can cancel this point altogether. Service of your own products derived from Q4OS, you can perform without any restrictions. You can support original Q4OS product too, the only requirement is not to perform as authorized provider for original Q4OS product, until we will pass some form of authorization agreement.


#7 2016-01-17 18:04

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Remaster of Q4OS as MyLiveOS - Okay or Just Wrong ?

Q4OS Team,  I like your responses more than my long drawn out too much thinking approach.

I will always let people know "I am not an Authorized Provider of Q4OS Products"  and "I will not perform activities that you determine or may determine in the future to be handled exclusively by your Authorized Providers". 

Very Happy about this !!!!!.  Now time to really push Q4OS to the masses.



No Longer Using Q4OS


#8 2016-01-17 21:23

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,483

Re: Remaster of Q4OS as MyLiveOS - Okay or Just Wrong ?

bobby wrote:

I will always let people know "I am not an Authorized Provider of Q4OS Products"

Bobby, you can, but you don't have to do that, we do not require it anymore.


#9 2016-01-17 21:30

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: Remaster of Q4OS as MyLiveOS - Okay or Just Wrong ?

q4osteam wrote:
bobby wrote:

I will always let people know "I am not an Authorized Provider of Q4OS Products"

Bobby, you can, but you don't have to do that, we do not require it anymore.

Okay, Thanks. I understand now.... its the obvious stuff that I miss & i'm and old guy who slowing down each day; it seems.

No Longer Using Q4OS


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