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#1 2017-11-18 08:33

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

Yesterday, I finished my quest in life. The last 1 year I have been trying repeatedly. Searching every website for the correct method to make it possible. What am I talking about ? Well, a very smart person told me this, "If a user is not experienced in terminal commands, they have no business using the terminal". I took that to heart and by Jan 2018, new users will not be needing to use the Terminal to do the post install of Q4OS. And, every other command they might need to do will be automated as well.

Up to Yesterday, this would of not been possible but, I found the answer by trial and error testing of of standard output from Child process back to its Parent Shell. The most promoted way, which was added to Bash 4.0 was to do this with coprocess like this. Parent --> (Simultaneous Child & Coprocess) --Child --Coprocess --> Parent.  That's only possible in bash shell and not in a GUI. So, yesterday, I did exactly opposite of that process and got 2 process. Parent -->Child --> Back to Parent Process. I had searched everyday for 1 year for this answer and those who did know, would not even point me the right direction.

So, what does this mean ? All this, Child regression smile  It means that a 10 year old can now make GUI applications to automate Linux ! I am very serious.

Watch the video I posted tonight. I did all this main GUI and a few child GUI windows in about 5 hours. (I know, I'm slow).

This is all bash and Yad GUI and it will replace terminal access by new Linux users and subsequently making Q4OS easier to use than Windows in all the important aspects. Now, this won't apply to die hard brain dead "I'm stuck on Windows no matter what" and that's awesome. Its for people who have been told they have to type dos commands !!!! NOT ANY MORE !!!!!!.

My coding is very simple. No strings, No arrays, Only variables I use are for filenames and paths. One or two ((for i = 1; do echo $(" command "); done.  Very simple stuff. It proves a person does not have be a programmer to make Bash GUI Applications. Since there is no compiling, anyone with a Linux compatible compute can build these Bash & Yad GUI's.


No Longer Using Q4OS


#2 2017-11-18 12:30

From: UK
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 2,994

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

I'm guessing this has to be run as root user, as there were no password prompts. Is the source available for this?


#3 2017-11-18 19:25

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

Nope, it can be run as user.  But, only because the way Q4OS handles password verification.  When I run it on AntiX, the password is request each time a sudo command is executed in shell.  I just have not added a password set entry form yet. I will do this in next week or so. It will have error checking, if exist statements.

I already coded 2 complete programs and they're not unique in any way.

Powerball Random Integer Number Generator which use sed, fold, seq, $((for i = 1; < N; +iii); to handle number generation. I need to code in a test entry so the user can determine what the number base >0 , 100 ( /) 6.9 (*) |  <user number-even digit places> ( - ) <date binary equivalent).( / ) letters converted two different ways. 1.letter position, for example: "J" = 10; and 2. number to binary. ( J = 10 = 1010 ). 2. way is to divide by the position of the Heaven and Hell smile, no seriously. The distance between the moon and the earth at a given moment = ranges from 252,088 miles away and 225,623 miles away. Then it is divided the total number of earth's that you can fit between that distance. At farthest = 30.2 earths. And when moon is nearest to earth its = 28.6. The number that is generates two factor numbers: 1 = (1 <> 69)  2 = (1 <> 26). These two numbers are the power ball numbers.

The other program is a Peer-to-Peer Chat / Facebook 4th Column (Ad) blocker and file transfer. I can chat with anyone who has my userid="secret_id" and they connect to my Chatbox. Once they are connected, I or they can drag and drop images, txt, doc, text (does save to file and send automatically) and it will (depending on user setting) sent to other user Q4OS computer and saved to chosen directory or even popup one at a time using gnome-open image.jpg or file.txt or even open a website the user wants to bring attention to the other person. So, what this program really is 3 things:

1. Blocks 4th column (Ad) on facebook (when facebook is maximized in browser.

2. Chat and Peer-to-peer file transer..

3. Training - Instruction - Demonstration Utility app. (It uses secure login to an online serer)  All it takes is users to have the same password to server and it automatically uses a specific (Apache protected directory for any number of users "somewhat private use").

These programs are on the back burner as I code and complete 1. Q4OS Post Install YadBasy GUI.  2. A Q43O Administration Interface for ever terminal command that a new user will need to use within the first year. Since, I stared with Q4OS with Debian (after puking after trying Udumtu), I know exactly what commands need to be automated.

I an not firm on layout of  "YadBash Q4OS Post Installer and Q4OS Administration GUI" just yet.  I know this scripts of mine are not as pretty of GUI windows created in Python / GTK but, the advantage is "ANYONE with ANY Linux computer CAN make these Yad & Bash applications" using the same shell language they need to learn anyways.

No Longer Using Q4OS


#4 2017-11-18 19:32

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,033

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

Curious to see the devs reaction to this as well as comments from other members.
Windows users would be attracted to something like this.

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


#5 2017-11-18 21:12

From: AZ, USA
Registered: 2016-11-29
Posts: 457

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

I think it could be good for beginners coming from Windows, yes.  I personally wouldn't see myself using it, as I've been using linux so long and actually prefer to do maintenance from CLI, but I also realize that's VERY much the opposite of many beginners.  I think it could be a VERY good thing to have, as the easier it can be for beginners to get their systems running the way they want, then the more likely they will be to stick with it.

Q4OS Trinity machine - Crelander E160.  Intel Celeron N5105, 16GB LPDDR4, 512GB m.2 SATA SSD, Intel UHD graphics, Intel 7265 Wifi 5 + BT 4.x, 16" 3072x1920 LCD.


#6 2017-11-18 21:27

From: UK
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 2,994

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

is it me or is there nothing there that requires the user to use the command line? installations/updates can be done using synaptic and XPQ4 is a Q4OS installer that simply requires double clicking...


#7 2017-11-18 22:00

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,033

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

Yes it doesnt require the command line and this was something I discussed a long time ago and it appears bobby may be able to make it work.
Ultimately thats what I would like to see, similar to Windows where you dont use the command line very often.  Long time Linux users will hate it but its intended for average users whos needs are simpler and lack experience.

Last edited by crosscourt (2017-11-18 22:06)

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


#8 2017-11-18 22:52

From: UK
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 2,994

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

crosscourt wrote:

Yes it doesn't require the command line and this was something I discussed a long time ago and it appears bobby may be able to make it work.

Not sure you understood my post as I was saying that all the things this app does (at the moment) are already covered by gui's, The new user would not have to use a terminal to do anything that this package does...

I have found that there are not really many occasions where new users would have to use the command line, except for say installing a driver that is not included (Q4OS includes more than most) or if something isn't working, and if something is not working then you would need the diagnostic information available from some terminal commands. These commands are very varied and often involve a listing type of command followed by a grep filter and sometimes various other command switches, but to include all the possibilities would make the program more complex than learning a few basic terminal commands...

Just my 2c...


#9 2017-11-18 23:46

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,033

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

Sorry misunderstood, but yes it is covered by GUI but with this type of interface everything would be in one place, In Windows its not in one place and you end up running around getting a driver here and an app there so many may see this as a good thing.

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


#10 2017-11-19 00:06

From: UK
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 2,994

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

Bobby wrote:

and it will replace terminal access by new Linux users

I'm not saying it's a bad thing, only it doesn't save the new user from the terminal at all (yet...)


#11 2017-11-19 00:14

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,033

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

It doesnt save them but its a similar situation to Windows as these types of users arent in a position to fix anything anyway. Though in Windows there are diagnostic apps both built in and third party that use GUI, depending on the issue, then command line if needed.

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


#12 2017-11-20 06:58

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

There is more to this than just a basic window that can do what Synaptic can. This YadBash (And I'm the only one in the world that is calling scripts these scripts YadBash based on only 5 fropm google smile Cool Uh!) , its a new way of GUIing your way to "Easier than WIndows". I'm not just talking about a Q4OS Post Installer, that's just the first application for Q4OS. I am talking about a whole new way of coding, without compiling, without complicated source - gui constructs. If it can be done in the terminal, it can be done with Yad and Bash; think about that for a second. Yad only needs a filemanager with GTK 2.x+ and Yad ddes not need a full Desktop Environment; let that sink in for a second as well. So, not only will YadBash scripts be automatically ported to virtually all Debian based Distros that have at least, say, Openbox Filemanager + GTK 2 and since there is no compiling these YadBash scripts are also cross-processor compatible.

Where does a user have to make a file an executable in Q4OS ?  Its not Konqueror as that won't work. Do to a bug in Trinity sometimes a file or folder will not show up but, it can found in another program; And what program is that ?  Where does a user have to go to generate a diagnostic report for the Dev's ? Oh, Please !!! Or if a user needs to find out the block id for there partitions ?  The list is very long.  Well, welcome to a new way of programming by anyone, with any Linux computer. We all should be happy I was not distracted over this last year.

Within 2 years, Q4OS will be the easiest Linux in the world; fully automated and easier than Windows or I'll just finish my Debian with openbox and release that as a trainer for not only Linux but, easiest coding platform in the world as well. Plenty of time and resources for the next 2 years.

I'm not asking for anyone's help as I tried that already and did not work. Based on a comment above, I would not expect any different outcome.

Last edited by bobby (2017-11-20 07:02)

No Longer Using Q4OS


#13 2017-11-20 09:11

From: UK
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 2,994

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

That's interesting... I have around 80+ code samples that were created for you before you disappeared and you say you get no help!!! An I'm sure you will recognise the trinity package installer (posted here) from some of them! but if that's how you feel then I will not offer any more assistance to you, Thank you and good night!


#14 2017-11-20 18:21

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,033

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

We've all benefited from sharing info/coding here onsite as well as the help from the devs.  Anything that creates a better experience for users is a good thing, as long as the devs are ok with it.

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


#15 2017-11-22 07:36

From: Nevada, USA
Registered: 2015-12-24
Posts: 459

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

Thats funny. You could of emailed those samples to me. Like you once did and then... I don't know what happen...  but, I am sure glad it happen that way, what ever it was. AND HERE IS WHY.  Look at my New Icon Based (Fully Functional) Desktop for Q4OS and any other xorg desktop. Clickable icons, or images, or photos. There will be many pages for the Q4OS System to fully automate it. And an optional custom page that a user can define button name, image, function link like tMyDocuments, Netowrk Places. People who use love Android should love this.  Oh How Sweet it is. This example has zero variables. zero compiled files. And only took me 1.5 hours to build.


No Longer Using Q4OS


#16 2017-11-22 15:57

From: UK
Registered: 2015-12-14
Posts: 2,994

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

bobby wrote:

Thats funny. You could of emailed those samples to me. Like you once did and then... I don't know what happen...

I did! and you know that! and I also know what happened, you disappeared!


#17 2017-11-22 16:55

From: AZ, USA
Registered: 2016-11-29
Posts: 457

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

bobby wrote:

Thats funny. You could of emailed those samples to me. Like you once did and then... I don't know what happen...  but, I am sure glad it happen that way, what ever it was. AND HERE IS WHY.  Look at my New Icon Based (Fully Functional) Desktop for Q4OS and any other xorg desktop. Clickable icons, or images, or photos. There will be many pages for the Q4OS System to fully automate it. And an optional custom page that a user can define button name, image, function link like tMyDocuments, Netowrk Places. People who use love Android should love this.  Oh How Sweet it is. This example has zero variables. zero compiled files. And only took me 1.5 hours to build.

I literally get full body shivers looking at that many icons on a desktop.  big_smile

Q4OS Trinity machine - Crelander E160.  Intel Celeron N5105, 16GB LPDDR4, 512GB m.2 SATA SSD, Intel UHD graphics, Intel 7265 Wifi 5 + BT 4.x, 16" 3072x1920 LCD.


#18 2017-11-22 18:04

From: Wash DC
Registered: 2017-05-07
Posts: 2,033

Re: New Replacement for Terminal for beginning users.

Its a bit much visually no doubt.

Q4OS Aquarius 5.x KDE   Dell Latitude 5450/7450 I5 2.3ghz, 16gb,256gb ssd


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