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Q4OS Aquarius 5.5 KDE HP Elitedesk 705 G4 Mini - Ryzen 5 2400g, 16gb ddr4, 1tb m.2 nvme ssd
It's these ppl that scared windows users on linux away
- "Why make linux look like windows? Want windows use windows"
- "All gui suck use CLI, i3wm"
- Those recommend Arch, Kali, Gentoo to newbs they drag novice to hell.
- Those Gnome addicted, Unity addicted they're kind of ignorant to other DE.
You can find these trolls from other distro. Lucky you won't find that on Q4OS.
Let me chime in here. I started using Linux about 3 years ago. When Windblows XP went the way of the dinosaur, l was left in the lurch,trying to keep my computer running with Microslop "fixes". I'm a small business owner,struggling to stay afloat in the electronics repair business. I don't have alot of extra cash to spend on new computers. I keep my hardware pristine,and in top mechanical condition.
When my computer crashed one day,I hadn't backed it up for 3 weeks,and lost alot of my invoices. Luckily, I write down all of my customer info and notes in a little black book.
An associate of mine had been a Linux "disciple" for many years prior,and turned me onto Ubuntu Studio. I kept researching,since I really didn't feel comfortable with Ubuntu Studio. After 2 months of research, I discovered Q4OS on YouTube. Once I saw the review, I thought it would be perfect for my hardware requirements. Once I loaded it on my computer, I just played with it every day till it felt more comfortable.
The myths about Linux are just that. Myths...! And the way Q4OS is designed, I think it's quite easy to learn. It also helps if you have a great deal of "dislike" for Microsoft,and the way the hold people "hostage". I was bound and determined to NEVER use Microflop again. To this day,I,m extremely happy with Linux Q4OS. Anyone with any background computer knowledge and common sense can use this OS. Don't believe the "myths" till you actually try it.
Many myths get started because people dont try Linux, dont give it a chance and jump to conclusions.
Most people Ive suggested they try Linux after myths and misgivings, love it and cant understand why they didnt use it sooner.
Q4OS is now one of the easiest distros to install and use and doesnt require a lot of experience to enjoy.
The Windows clone design will help many get use to it but you can change your DE at any time to get whatever look and feel you prefer. Great choice for Windows crossover users wanting to get their feet wet in Linux.
Last edited by crosscourt (2017-10-16 18:30)
Q4OS Aquarius 5.5 KDE HP Elitedesk 705 G4 Mini - Ryzen 5 2400g, 16gb ddr4, 1tb m.2 nvme ssd
That was the biggest reason why I chose Q4OS,but believe it or not, I don't even use the "XP" format. My desktop consists of the Q4OS wallpapers,and some planet/space landscapes. I stuck with the Trinity DE, and just left it simple. One of the myths I read was Linux doesn't have enough programs in synaptic....REALLY..??! Are you kidding me..?? I've found packages on there I didn't even knew existed..!! Linux repositories have met my expectations,then some...!
No kidding there are a lot of apps for Linux and something that can be used to replace most Windows apps. I use TDE and XFCE but prefer TDE overall.
Ive got the horsehead nebula on my desktop with a translucent panel below and it looks amazing. I originally was looking for an OS similar to Windows for my wife and ended up using Q4OS. I was using Linux Mint 18.2 XFCE but just switched over to Scorpion on my main pc.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.5 KDE HP Elitedesk 705 G4 Mini - Ryzen 5 2400g, 16gb ddr4, 1tb m.2 nvme ssd
Is scorpion replacing Orion..?
Eventually yes, after Orion finishes its long term support based on the devs comments so far.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.5 KDE HP Elitedesk 705 G4 Mini - Ryzen 5 2400g, 16gb ddr4, 1tb m.2 nvme ssd
So,how long is Orion going to be supported...? I just got used to Orion. How can I transfer everything over to Scorpion..?
Orion will be supported till May 1 2020 so youve got a lot of time. If you like it just keep using it for now. Transferring files over to Scorpion eventually is easy to do and you can always get help here on the forums.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.5 KDE HP Elitedesk 705 G4 Mini - Ryzen 5 2400g, 16gb ddr4, 1tb m.2 nvme ssd
Thanks..! Good to there a way to clone my current HD to a HD running Scorpion...?
You couldnt clone the entire install of Orion to Scorpion but you can move over your files which is what I do when I move around to other distros. I keep a backup of my files and just copy them over to my new OS.
Do a fresh install of Scorpion and add your apps, set things up, then copy your files over and your done.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.5 KDE HP Elitedesk 705 G4 Mini - Ryzen 5 2400g, 16gb ddr4, 1tb m.2 nvme ssd
I thought you were gonna say that.....I'll live with Orion for now. However, I just found out I have 2 desktop PC's coming my way. So, I want to give Scorpion a try. The one computer is from 2009, a HP, with a quad core processor(s). This one I want to test other distros with . One of which is Linux Cylon. Has anyone on here tried it...? I also want to give Arch and Antergos a try. Any input on these would be welcome.
Orion will be supported till May 1 2020 so youve got a lot of time. If you like it just keep using it for now.
Exactly explained, thanks. We recommend everyone to keep using Orion, as far as it works well.
Where can I download the newest version of Orion..? I only see Scorpion Dlds on the document page. I want to install the newest version of Orion on a old HP(2009) computer.It's running a corrupted version of Vista..
Where can I download the newest version of Orion..?
Orion 1.8.8 should run well but if you have 2gb or less of ram use the 32bit version.
Q4OS Aquarius 5.5 KDE HP Elitedesk 705 G4 Mini - Ryzen 5 2400g, 16gb ddr4, 1tb m.2 nvme ssd
Thanks,everyone...I appreciate it...!
No problem Capt!
Q4OS Aquarius 5.5 KDE HP Elitedesk 705 G4 Mini - Ryzen 5 2400g, 16gb ddr4, 1tb m.2 nvme ssd
One of the reasons people shy away from Linux is because its a mad mix of familiar and unfamiliar.
Most especially to Windows users.
The Mac users get frustrated - but not as much.
Probably because most of them also use Windows in real life work enviroments etc.
So they are more accustomed to differences in Operating systems.
I teach and run classes on all three OS's + Android so I get to observe how students with differing computer backgrounds cope.
Bit like watching Right handers having to try to do things left handed.
More Left handers are naturally ambidextrous than the Right handers - so the same can be seen with people adapting to Linux.
In my area Apple products are common, Linux is used by many people in business and education, plus Windows is already entrenched.
The schools also teach all three and with Android so popular it makes my life very easy when dealing with clients.
Many seniors find Linux easy to get use to and Ive got many friends and clients that moved from Windows and found Linux far easier to use.
Last edited by crosscourt (2017-10-24 22:19)
Q4OS Aquarius 5.5 KDE HP Elitedesk 705 G4 Mini - Ryzen 5 2400g, 16gb ddr4, 1tb m.2 nvme ssd
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