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#1 2016-11-23 07:58

Registered: 2016-11-23
Posts: 3

Audio output

I am using 3 monitors, the third is a TV screen connected via HDMI to the computer.
With other distributions (Mint, Debian etc.) I also use the TV for audio output. Very easy to select this screen in Mint.

Q4OS does not offer such an easy selection like Mint, or perhaps I was not able to detect this function. Right now I dfo not have any audio output available.


#2 2016-11-23 09:02

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,660

Re: Audio output

TeXnik wrote:

Right now I do not have any audio output available.

First, try to follow these instructions to get audio working . If you will need further assistance, post your findings here.

TeXnik wrote:

... I also use the TV for audio output ...

You can select audio output this way: Click to the 'kmix' icon in the system tray -> Run 'Mixer' -> In the top right corner of Mixer window select a sound card -> update mixer levels, focus primarily on 'Master', 'PCM', 'Front' and 'LFE' parameters.

If you have pulseaudio installed, run 'pavucontrol' config tool from the start menu to adjust audio devices.


#3 2016-11-23 16:52

Registered: 2016-11-23
Posts: 3

Re: Audio output

It seems that only HDA Intel PCH is working. I can select HDA Nvidia but everthing is blank, only IEC958 is to seen. 4 switches in gray, when selected  they turn to yellow.

As I do not use the internal audio and graphic, it seemes to be a problem with the driver. I could not install the latesdt NVIDIA driver because I was not able to remove the current one.


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