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#1 2021-02-04 08:41

Registered: 2021-02-04
Posts: 9

Missing network driver

Hi,I installed  "q4os-3.10-i386-instcd.r2.iso" on an old Thinkpad laptop, but the "Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2]" driver is missing ,I cannot connect to internet, no wifi, no LAN.I am newbie in Linux, please tell me how to install this driver from a flashpen?  The above information I got using "inxi -F"


#2 2021-02-04 16:04

From: Latvia
Registered: 2015-12-13
Posts: 637

Re: Missing network driver

This adapter should be merged into the kernel.
Unfortunately, I can not provide you with the exact steps, because I do not have this notebook. The only thing I can do, is to point you, where to find the solution.
You should do the rest by yourself.
There is an article, which explains how to enable support for WiFi devices based on Intel 2100, 2200 and 2915 chipsets on Debian systems:
Your adapter is in the list of supported devices and this is good news.
But Non-free firmware is required for both drivers.
Debian policy is to avoid any proprietary and non free packages, so that explains, why this package has not been installed.
One important note! The example is for Debian Jessie, but your Q4OS 3.10 is based on Debian Buster.
So follow these steps:
1. Open file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/20_debian.list. There should be a string, which I marked in red rectangle. See attachment 1.
2. Update the list of available packages.
In Konsole type sudo apt update
3. Install the firmware-ipw2x00 and wireless-tools packages.
In Konsile type sudo apt install firmware-ipw2x00 wireless-tools
You are required to accept the license agreement before the firmware is installed to your system.
4. As the driver may already be loaded, reinsert the relevant driver module to access installed firmware:
sudo modprobe -r ipw2200 ; sudo modprobe ipw2200
5. Reboot computer
6. Install Q4OS Network manager from Q4OS Software Centre, and configure your wireless network.
If you do not have internet at all (which is strange, you should have separate LAN adapter), you can try to download the firmware-ipw2x00 and wireless-tools using another PC, put them on your USB flash drive and install manually on your Thinkpad laptop, but without Internet connection they might not install, because of unmet dependencies.
You can manually download them using following links:
Then put them on your Flash drive, then copy to Thinkpads HDD, and in Konsole write: sudo apt install /path/to/your/firmware-ipw2x00.deb and sudo apt install /path/to/your/wireless-tools.deb
But keep in mind, that without Internet connection they might not install, because of unmet dependencies.

I have spent an hour for writing this article. Hope it helps.

Last edited by Rademes (2021-02-04 16:25)

jpg sources-list.jpg, Size: 236.48 KiB, Downloads: 409

Before asking for help please read this topic:   If you have problems with WiFi network, try to install the Network Manager using Q4OS Software Centre.


#3 2021-02-04 20:08

Registered: 2021-02-04
Posts: 9

Re: Missing network driver

WOW!!,Thank you for this nice guide!
You are the King!!
Although I started with ZX81 a century ago, this is my first contact with Linux. I choose Q4OS because it's XP style and lightweight resource consumption.

Because I don't have internet by wifi nor LAN on this laptop, I started with downloading these *.deb files on other PC:
and after copy on my laptop's HDD, tried to install:

sudo apt install /path/to/your/firmware-ipw2x00.deb
sudo apt install /path/to/your/wireless-tools.deb

As you guess, the "firmware-ipw2x00.deb" was installed without problem, but the "wireless-tools.deb" stopped because of "unmet dependencies" and no internet.
BUT !!!:  after installed the firmware-ipw2x00.deb , and reboot, the wifi adapter started to work!! Hurray!
At this step I didn't need "Q4OS Network manager" ,I used the "globe icon" on the tray to connect to my wifi signal.

The "wireless-tools" I could install only by using "Synaptic"

The ethernet still not working, in "inxi -F" I cannot see any ethernet adapter at all.

I hope your guide is helpfull for other people, with other kernel merged driver problems...
Thank you very much for helping me.


#4 2021-02-04 20:50

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,453

Re: Missing network driver

We would recommend you to install from the most recent stable installation media image "q4os-3.12-i386-instcd.r3.iso" instead of 3.10 , download


#5 2021-02-04 22:11

From: Latvia
Registered: 2015-12-13
Posts: 637

Re: Missing network driver

Glad, you have solved it!
I still would recommend you to install wireless-tools package, as it can give you some useful information about your wireless connection such as Link quality, Signal level in dBm (lower number is better signal), MAC address and other information.
After installing wireless-tools, in Konsole write sudo iwconfig
Also just for future reference you can read this:

Last edited by Rademes (2021-02-04 22:22)

Before asking for help please read this topic:   If you have problems with WiFi network, try to install the Network Manager using Q4OS Software Centre.


#6 2021-02-05 21:07

Registered: 2021-02-04
Posts: 9

Re: Missing network driver

I tried the recommended "q4os-3.12-i386-instcd.r3.iso"  version and it works!. Automatically detect the wifi device and just asked for a password.
But I am grateful for abowe help,I have learned a lot!


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