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#51 2019-03-04 09:08

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,628

Re: Debonaire icons

A few suggestions. Please try to modify the first logo, posted here … 804#p14804, the following way. Keep the single logo color, but in shades, so all four logo parts would have different shades from darker to lighter.
The second colored logo, … 817#p14817, is great, we would suggest to change the frame color to be identical, or close, to one of logo color, so try black blue or orange.
We would love to have both style logos in the Debonaire theme, please make them both in different color variants, if possible.

Jaerrib wrote:

... I went with a thicker boarder because anything smaller tended to get lost at the size displayed on the task bar.

You could try to make the frame thicker for smaller sizes only.

Jaerrib wrote:

Incidentally, the look switcher still defaults to the Debian logo for the start menu rather then the newer Q4 logo (the -m variant) even though the latter is included in the icon theme. Naming convention perhaps?

We will fix that as soon as possible, perhaps within the next Centaurus release.

Sorry for a delayed replying, we are now just very busy.


#52 2019-03-05 01:41

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2018-11-18
Posts: 166

Re: Debonaire icons

q4osteam wrote:

A few suggestions. Please try to modify the first logo, posted here … 804#p14804, the following way. Keep the single logo color, but in shades, so all four logo parts would have different shades from darker to lighter.

Possible variations of the draft one revision:

q4osteam wrote:

The second colored logo, … 817#p14817, is great, we would suggest to change the frame color to be identical, or close, to one of logo color, so try black blue or orange.

Possible variations of the draft two revision:


#53 2019-03-06 09:09

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,628

Re: Debonaire icons

Well, so we have a few great icon drafts. We would need to test them in action and pick two of them. If you would test the proposed icons under Plasma as well as TDE, make a preference and definitely pick a best couple, it would be helpful. You can include the winners into the project and possibly make a color variations. The last design of colored logo with dark blue frame looks really nice by our opinion, but as said above, it would need a testing in action first.


#54 2019-03-07 03:31

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2018-11-18
Posts: 166

Re: Debonaire icons

q4osteam wrote:

Well, so we have a few great icon drafts. We would need to test them in action and pick two of them. If you would test the proposed icons under Plasma as well as TDE, make a preference and definitely pick a best couple, it would be helpful. You can include the winners into the project and possibly make a color variations. The last design of colored logo with dark blue frame looks really nice by our opinion, but as said above, it would need a testing in action first.

The variations with the white background tended to show up the best in the taskbar. I opted to upload the one you preferred (with the dark blue frame) in all of the various required sizes to make an initial icon available. I may upload some other colors after some more testing. I was unable to get TDE to display anything other than the default icon (the blue box with the i) despite changing it in the menu editor so my tests were all done in Plasma.


#55 2019-03-07 09:12

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,628

Re: Debonaire icons

You need to change the name to "welcome-screen.svg" and remove all "welcome-screen.png" variants in "/usr/share/icons/Paper-Q4OS/....." subdirs. Re-login session and the Welcome screen should get the new icon in Plasma as well as in TDE.


#56 2019-03-07 11:26

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2018-11-18
Posts: 166

Re: Debonaire icons

Thanks. I'll give that a go to see how things look under TDE as well.

*** UPDATE ***
The icon looks just as good under TDE. I went ahead and changed all of the file names on Github from welcome.svg to welcome-screen.svg so there shouldn't be any issues there.

Last edited by Jaerrib (2019-03-09 19:42)


#57 2019-03-20 09:57

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,628

Re: Debonaire icons

Great job, the icon looks really good. Now, we need to design a new icon for Q4OS live installer. Installer now uses a Q4OS logo icon, but we need some another style image with no Q4OS logo, the logo will be used for the welcome screen. We argue, two icons  based on Q4OS logo in use at the same time could be a bit confusing. So, it would be helpful, if you would design a new live installer icon, as time permits. As completed, we can officially release the welcome screen, as well as live installer icon.


#58 2019-03-20 23:55

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2018-11-18
Posts: 166

Re: Debonaire icons

q4osteam wrote:

Great job, the icon looks really good. Now, we need to design a new icon for Q4OS live installer. Installer now uses a Q4OS logo icon, but we need some another style image with no Q4OS logo, the logo will be used for the welcome screen. We argue, two icons  based on Q4OS logo in use at the same time could be a bit confusing. So, it would be helpful, if you would design a new live installer icon, as time permits. As completed, we can officially release the welcome screen, as well as live installer icon.

Glad you like the welcome screen icon. Here's an initial draft of the live installer icon you requested:


#59 2019-03-29 00:46

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2018-11-18
Posts: 166

Re: Debonaire icons

Below is an initial draft of the crypto icon that would be found in Control Panel>Security & Privacy under TDE. It's been on my list of missing icons, but I never got around to working on it until a recent forum post reminded me about it.


#60 2019-03-29 01:13

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,628

Re: Debonaire icons

Thanks for both, welcome + crypto. They are all right, absolutely.


#61 2019-03-29 02:50

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2018-11-18
Posts: 166

Re: Debonaire icons

Thanks. I'll work on the different sizes and upload everything soon.

*** Update ***
All size variations for the installer and crypto icons have been uploaded to Github.

Also uploaded drafts for a possible replacement for the Synaptic icon since someone had commented that the original was somewhat drab.

Last edited by Jaerrib (2019-03-29 22:07)


#62 2019-03-30 14:24

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,628

Re: Debonaire icons

We would prefer #1, however agree, if community would prefer the second one. Anyone ?


#63 2019-03-30 23:51

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2018-11-18
Posts: 166

Re: Debonaire icons

For what it's worth, I'm even okay with the original icon. I just wanted to respond to a user request. Whatever everyone decides is fine by me. smile Anyone want to weigh in?


#64 2019-03-31 02:23

Registered: 2015-12-08
Posts: 400

Re: Debonaire icons

I will try to get the ball rolling.
I'm not much on picking icons, but I like Draft #2.
However - Draft #1 would tie it to the original icon and  people might recognize it as being the one they are looking for.


#65 2019-03-31 06:38

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,364

Re: Debonaire icons

Certainly to my eyes the Draft1 and 2 are download related rather than package manager related.
The old one though dull is at least familiar.
If given I choice I prefer something along the lines of the old crystalsvg kpackage icon which at least indicates the relationship between the function of the software and the icon - which is surely the main requirement.

png kpackage.png, Size: 3.82 KiB, Downloads: 714


#66 2019-03-31 19:00

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2018-11-18
Posts: 166

Re: Debonaire icons

bin wrote:

Certainly to my eyes the Draft1 and 2 are download related rather than package manager related.
The old one though dull is at least familiar.
If given I choice I prefer something along the lines of the old crystalsvg kpackage icon which at least indicates the relationship between the function of the software and the icon - which is surely the main requirement.

Very valid point. I had been thinking mainly of the installation aspect, but package management is more multifaceted than that. I mocked up something similar to the icon you posted. I'm not keen on the pseudo-3D look in the context of the Debonaire theme, however. I also looked to see what the Papirus team is using for their Synaptic icon, and  they haven't changed anything from the original Paper version (which both Papirus and Debonaire are based on). As a fourth option, I tweaked the original to have a few more details and maybe make it less drab overall. Thoughts?


#67 2019-04-01 06:34

From: U.K.
Registered: 2016-01-28
Posts: 1,364

Re: Debonaire icons

Thanks - the middle one works for me smile


#68 2019-04-03 09:35

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,628

Re: Debonaire icons

Yes, the #3 draft looks fine. Our preference for "synaptic" icons would be: #3, #1, #2, #4. The "crypto" icon looks great, you can create it too. Please keep in mind, shadows and colors blending of smaller size variants need to be "simplified" for icons to be distinguishable as best as possible.


#69 2019-04-05 01:41

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2018-11-18
Posts: 166

Re: Debonaire icons

Size variants for the installer, crypto and Synaptic icons have all been uploaded to Github.


#70 2019-04-05 09:22

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,628

Re: Debonaire icons

Great job, we will perform a testing and make them official as soon as possible, if considered.

Nonetheless, we have found out, "actions/button.svg" icon has incorrect, too small, 24 and 32 size variants. Would you please fix that, and possibly make a brief check for such glitch for other icons ?


#71 2019-04-06 18:34

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,628

Re: Debonaire icons

The "crypto" icon needs to be "encrypted" to follow TDE naming. Please do a rename, if it's possible, otherwise symlink would be needed.


#72 2019-04-06 20:02

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2018-11-18
Posts: 166

Re: Debonaire icons

q4osteam wrote:

Nonetheless, we have found out, "actions/button.svg" icon has incorrect, too small, 24 and 32 size variants. Would you please fix that, and possibly make a brief check for such glitch for other icons ?

I fixed those two size variants. I think it was more a perception thing due to the way the square is turned 45 degrees. They should look more proportional with other icons of the same size now.

q4osteam wrote:

The "crypto" icon needs to be "encrypted" to follow TDE naming. Please do a rename, if it's possible, otherwise symlink would be needed.

Each of the icons has been renamed; no symlink necessary. smile

On a related note, I modified the 16 and 24 size variants of devices/display.svg to appear more consistent with the other size variants. The ones currently included with the icon theme stem from our "border" misunderstanding awhile back and aren't quite right.


#73 2019-04-23 02:49

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2018-11-18
Posts: 166

Re: Debonaire icons

Some updates to the icon set:
- Renamed login-manager.svg to kuser.svg (this should correct the login manager icon falling back to Crystal SVG in the Control Panel)
- Added symlinks for tdmconfig.svg (which points to kuser.svg) and system-file-manager.svg (which points to konqueror.svg)

Note: These changes were applied to all size variants in the Github repo

Also, I've been trying to figure out which icon that TDE Components is using in the Control Panel (see the attached screenshot) so that I can rename the new icon properly. I've looked in crystalsvg, breeze, gnome and hicolor. I'm sure I just missed it, but any help is appreciated.

png snapshot9.png, Size: 45.01 KiB, Downloads: 742


#74 2019-04-24 07:19

Q4OS Team
Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 4,628

Re: Debonaire icons

Thanks for the update, it will passed to the public channel as soon as we check and test it.

Jaerrib wrote:

Also, I've been trying to figure out which icon that TDE Components is using in the Control Panel ...

/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/  ... Icon=preferences-desktop
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=blockdevice
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=password
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=locale
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=preferences-desktop-peripherals
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=network
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=package_settings
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=desktop
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=multimedia
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=package_settings
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=preferences-desktop-peripherals
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=energy
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=preferences-system
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=konqueror


#75 2019-04-24 10:33

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2018-11-18
Posts: 166

Re: Debonaire icons

q4osteam wrote:

/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/  ... Icon=preferences-desktop
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=blockdevice
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=password
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=locale
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=preferences-desktop-peripherals
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=network
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=package_settings
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=desktop
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=multimedia
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=package_settings
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=preferences-desktop-peripherals
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=energy
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=preferences-system
/opt/trinity/share/desktop-directories/ ... Icon=konqueror

Thank you for the list. I'll look into things and post my progress. Are you wanting all of those updated?


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